
石头滚动撞击跌落碎裂音效素材 SFXtools Rocks WAV 帧资源免费下载

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影视音效 电影音效 碎石音效 石头音效 滚石音效

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  • 资源编号M0458-10丨348M丨WAV

    石头滚动撞击跌落碎裂音效素材 SFXtools Rocks WAV


    The “Rocks” SFX library featuring 124 rock sounds captured from variety of sources from brick, cement, sandstone, sedimentary, shale and stone and all contains different type of recordings such as roll, impacts, drops, crumbles and fall. All these are captured in different microphone perspectives and different size of content large, medium and small you are free to use them depending on your needs.

    All of the samples have been pre-cleared and are 100% original & royalty-free for your use without any additional licensing fees and comes with an incredible sample rate of 192kHz/24bit to give you the best quality for extreme pitch-shifting and FX processing while keeping a top notch level of clarity and precision. Captured in different microphone perspectives and contains a variety of distance recording points for getting sound at close, moderate, distant etc..

    The library is perfectly suited to post production, game audio, movies, documentaries, advertising, or any kind of cinematic projects requiring high definition source recordings.

    Are you ready to rock and roll!

    Included sounds / Keywords: Rock, Cobbles, Brick, Cement, Sandstone, Sedimentary, Shale, Stone, Roll, Impact, Drop, Crumble, Fall

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