
129套RARE Percussion 编曲采样音源音色素材帧资源下载

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编曲素材 编曲采样 音源音色 民族风采样 采样合集

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  • 资源编号M0781丨79G丨WAV

    129套RARE Percussion 编曲采样音源音色素材


    01 - RARE Percussion Kalimba Alchemy Volume 2 [WAV] 氛围流行RnB卡林巴采样
    02 - RARE Percussion Kalimba Alchemy Volume 3 [WAV] 氛围嘻哈陷阱RnB采样
    03 - RARE Percussion Live Percussion Breaks Vol.1 [WAV] Breakbeat民族打击乐采样
    04 - RARE Percussion Live Percussion Breaks Vol.2 [WAV] Breakbeat打击乐采样
    05 - RARE Percussion Love Vox Vol.1 [WAV] 流行嘻哈电子人声采样
    06 - RARE Percussion Love Vox Vol.2 [WAV] 电子乡村嘻哈人声采样
    07 - RARE Percussion Mbira Alchemy Vol.1 [WAV] 拇指钢琴采样
    08 - RARE Percussion Mbira Alchemy Vol.2 [WAV] 拇指钢琴采样
    09 - RARE Percussion Melody Rhythmix Vol.1 [WAV] 民族乐器采样
    10 - RARE Percussion Melody Rhythmix Vol.2 [WAV] 氛围民族采样
    11 - RARE Percussion Melody Rhythmix Vol.3 [WAV] 氛围电子采样
    12 - RARE Percussion Melody Rhythmix Vol.4 [WAV] 民族氛围电子采样
    13 - RARE Percussion Melody Rhythmix Vol.6 [WAV] 民族乐器采样
    14 - RARE Percussion One Man Tribe Ben Aylon [WAV] 非洲部落节奏鼓手采样
    15 - RARE Percussion Percussion Alchemy Vol.1 with Keita Ogawa [WAV] 民族打击乐采样
    16 - RARE Percussion Percussion Alchemy Vol.2 with Keita Ogawa [WAV] 特殊物体打击乐采样
    17 - RARE Percussion Percussion Hands Vol.1 [WAV] 民族打击乐器采样
    18 - RARE Percussion Percussion Science 3 [WAV] 氛围影视电子舞曲采样
    19 - RARE Percussion Percussion Science Vol.1 [WAV] 影视氛围RnB电子打击乐采样
    20 - RARE Percussion Percussion Science Vol.5 [WAV] 民族影视电子舞曲RnB打击乐采样
    21 - RARE Percussion Percussion Science Vol.6 [WAV] 影视氛围RnB电子舞曲打击乐采样
    22 - RARE Percussion Percussion Science Vol.7 [WAV] 氛围影视电子舞曲打击乐采样
    23 - RARE Percussion Percussion Science Volume 2 [WAV] 影视民族RnB打击乐采样
    24 - RARE Percussion Percussion Science Volume 4 [WAV] 氛围RnB电子舞曲打击乐采样
    25 - RARE Percussion PercussionGodz Vol.1 [WAV] 世界打击乐器采样
    26 - RARE Percussion PercussionGodz Vol.2 [WAV] 世界打击乐器采样
    27 - RARE Percussion PercussionGodz Vol.3 [WAV] 民族打击乐采样
    28 - RARE Percussion PercussionGodz Vol.4 [WAV] 民族打击乐采样
    29 - RARE Percussion PercussionGodz Vol.5 [WAV] 民族打击乐采样
    30 - RARE Percussion PercussionGodz Vol.6 [WAV] 民族打击乐采样
    31 - RARE Percussion Perx Drum Gemz Vol.1 [WAV] 嘻哈陷阱鼓采样
    32 - RARE Percussion Perx Drum Gemz Vol.2 [WAV] 嘻哈陷阱鼓采样
    33 - RARE Percussion Perx Drum Gemz Vol.3 [WAV] 世界打击乐器采样
    34 - RARE Percussion Rare Ingredients [WAV] 色彩打击乐采样
    35 - RARE Percussion Rare Ingredients Vol.2 [WAV] Rap嘻哈说唱采样
    36 - RARE Percussion Rare Steaks [WAV] Trap陷阱采样
    37 - RARE Percussion RARE Textures Vol.1 [WAV] 民族影视采样
    38 - RARE Percussion RARE Vol.1 [WAV] 世界民族文化乐器采样
    39 - RARE Percussion RARE Vol.2 [WAV] 世界民族文化乐器采样
    40 - RARE Percussion RARE Vol.3 [WAV] 世界民族文化乐器采样
    41 - RARE Percussion Rhythm Paints [WAV] 电子乐节奏采样
    42 - RARE Percussion Rose Keys [WAV] 电子乐键盘采样
    43 - RARE Percussion Spirit Flutes Vol.1 [WAV] 民族长笛采样
    44 - RARE Percussion Spirit Flutes Vol.2 [WAV] 民族长笛采样
    45 - RARE Percussion Spirit Flutes Vol.3 [WAV] 流行嘻哈美洲长笛采样
    46 - RARE Percussion Spirit Flutes Vol.4 [WAV] 嘻哈流行美洲原住民木笛采样
    47 - RARE Percussion Steelpan Concepts [WAV] 民族拉丁采样
    48 - RARE Percussion Steelpan Concepts Vol.2 [WAV] Latin拉丁乐采样
    49 - RARE Percussion Steelpan Concepts Vol.3 [WAV] Latin拉丁乐采样
    50 - RARE Percussion Street Instruments Vol.1 [WAV] 民族电子拉丁采样
    51 - RARE Percussion Street Instruments Vol.2 [WAV] 民族电子拉丁采样
    52 - RARE Percussion Symbiosis [WAV] DnB采样
    53 - RARE Percussion Tech House Real Percussion Ben Aylon [WAV] 科技浩室采样
    54 - RARE Percussion Texture Weapons Vol.1 [WAV] 电子乐采样
    55 - RARE Percussion Texture Weapons Vol.2 [WAV] 流行民族电子采样
    56 - RARE Percussion Texture Weapons Vol.3 [WAV] Electronic电子乐采样
    57 - RARE Percussion Texture Weapons Vol.4 [WAV] Electronic电子乐采样
    58 - RARE Percussion Texture Weapons Vol.5 [WAV] Electronic电子乐采样
    59 - RARE Percussion THIOL by Ben Aylon [WAV] 民族打击采样
    60 - RARE Percussion Tough Drumz Vol.1 [WAV] Breaks嘻哈鼓组采样
    61 - RARE Percussion Vintage Piano Waves [WAV] 古典钢琴采样
    62 - RARE Percussion World Melodics [WAV] 氛围驰放世界旋律采样
    63 - RARE Percussion World Melodics Vol.2 [WAV] 氛围驰放世界旋律采样
    64 - RARE Percussion Yes We Can! Trap Pack Vol.1 [WAV] Trap陷阱采样
    65 - RARE Percussion Zimbabwe Melodics [WAV] 拇指钢琴采样
    66 - RARE Percussion 2SCOOPS and Neighborhood Watch R.A.V.E Sample Pack [WAV] EDM电子舞曲采样
    67 - RARE Percussion 2SCOOPS x Neighborhood Watch Silence In Nature [WAV] Trap陷阱采样
    68 - RARE Percussion Afro Beats Percussion Vol.1 [WAV] 非洲节奏采样
    69 - RARE Percussion Analog Percussion by Ben Aylon [WAV] 民族模拟打击乐采样
    70 - RARE Percussion Brain Tan Dream Analysis Vol.1 [WAV] 奇幻贝斯采样
    71 - RARE Percussion Chime Alchemy Vol.1 [WAV] 钟声编钟金属打击采样
    72 - RARE Percussion Chime Alchemy Vol.2 [WAV] 环境氛围采样
    73 - RARE Percussion Chime Alchemy Vol.4 [WAV] 氛围电子采样
    74 - RARE Percussion Chime Alchemy Volume 3 [WAV] 氛围驰放采样
    75 - RARE Percussion Cosmic Flutes Vol.1 [WAV] 环境氛围宇宙长笛采样
    76 - RARE Percussion Cosmic Flutes Vol.2 [WAV] 环境氛围宇宙长笛采样
    77 - RARE Percussion Cosmic Flutes Vol.3 [WAV] 环境氛围宇宙长笛采样
    78 - RARE Percussion Cozmoe’s Sounds of The Sky Vol.1 [WAV] 氛围慢摇采样
    79 - RARE Percussion Culture Alchemy Vol.1 [WAV] 世界乐器采样
    80 - RARE Percussion Culture Alchemy Vol.2 [WAV] 电子打击乐采样
    81 - RARE Percussion Culture Alchemy Vol.3 [WAV] 电子打击乐采样
    82 - RARE Percussion Culture Alchemy Vol.4 [WAV] 电子打击乐采样
    83 - RARE Percussion Deep Space Textures Volume 2 WAV 深沉空间过渡音效FX采样
    84 - RARE Percussion Deep Space Textures WAV 深沉空间过渡音效FX采样
    85 - RARE Percussion Dirty Pianos Vol.1 [WAV] 环境氛围肮脏钢琴采样
    86 - RARE Percussion Drums and One Shots [WAV] 氛围驰放鼓组采样
    87 - RARE Percussion Everyday Psychedelic Transitions Vol.1 [WAV] 上升下降噪音FX音效采样
    88 - RARE Percussion Galactic Sax Vol.1 [WAV] 环境氛围萨克斯采样
    89 - RARE Percussion Goldhammers Kit Vol.1 [WAV] 嘻哈说唱采样
    90 - RARE Percussion Goldhammers Kit Vol.2 [WAV] 嘻哈说唱采样
    91 - RARE Percussion Handpan Melodics [WAV] 嘻哈陷阱采样
    92 - RARE Percussion Handpan Melodics Vol.2 [WAV] 嘻哈陷阱采样
    93 - RARE Percussion Handpan Melodics Vol.3 [WAV] 嘻哈陷阱采样
    94 - RARE Percussion Jeremy King Ordered Chaos Vol.1 [WAV] 民族氛围打击乐采样
    95 - RARE Percussion Kalimba Alchemy Vol.1 [WAV] 氛围环境卡林巴采样
    96 - RARE Percussion Kalimba Alchemy Vol.4 [WAV] 流行嘻哈陷阱RnB卡林巴采样

    97 - RARE Percussion Break Drums vol. 2 [WAV] Breaks鼓组采样
    98 - RARE Percussion Break Drums vol.1 [WAV] Break鼓组采样
    99 - RARE Percussion Break Drums vol.3 [WAV] Break鼓组采样
    100 - RARE Percussion Break Drums vol.4 [WAV] Break鼓组打击采样
    101 - RARE Percussion Dirty Drum Colors Vol. 1 [WAV] 嘻哈鼓质感打击乐采样
    102 - RARE Percussion Dirty Drum Colors Vol. 2 [WAV] 嘻哈鼓质感打击乐采样
    103 - RARE Percussion Dirty Drum Colors Vol. 3 [WAV] 嘻哈鼓质感打击乐采样
    104 - RARE Percussion Dirty Drum Colors Vol. 4 [WAV] 嘻哈鼓质感打击乐采样
    105 - RARE Percussion Dirty Drum Colors vol.5 [WAV] 嘻哈鼓质感打击乐采样
    106 - RARE Percussion Dynasty Strings Vol. 1 [WAV] 影视民族传统王朝弦乐器采样
    107 - RARE Percussion Dynasty Strings Vol. 2 [WAV] 影视民族传统王朝弦乐器采样
    108 - RARE Percussion Dynasty Strings Vol.3 [WAV] 影视复古氛围王朝弦乐采样
    109 - RARE Percussion Global Strings Ruan and Liuqin [WAV] 民族弦乐器采样
    110 - RARE Percussion Global Strings Vol.2 Electric Sitar and Mini Bass [WAV] 电西塔琴迷你贝司采样
    111 - RARE Percussion Liquid Metal Melodics Vol.1 [WAV] 民族金属乐器采样
    112 - RARE Percussion Liquid Metal Melodics vol.2 [WAV] 影视金属乐器旋律纹理采样
    113 - RARE Percussion Liquid Metal Melodics Vol.3 [WAV] 氛围驰放采样
    114 - RARE Percussion Live Percussion Breaks vol.3 [WAV] Breaks现场打击乐采样
    115 - RARE Percussion Live Percussion Breaks vol.4 [WAV] Breaks现场打击乐采样
    116 - RARE Percussion RARE Textures Vol.2 [WAV] 民族影视采样
    117 - RARE Percussion RARE Textures Vol.3 [WAV] 民族回声氛围Textures打击乐器采样
    118 - RARE Percussion RARE Textures Vol.4 [WAV] 影视民族空间氛围乐器采样
    119 - RARE Percussion Retro Soul Percussion vol.1 [WAV] 怀旧灵魂RnB打击乐采样
    120 - RARE Percussion Retro Soul Percussion Vol.2 [WAV] 怀旧灵魂RnB打击乐采样
    121 - RARE Percussion Retro Soul Percussion vol.3 [WAV] 怀旧灵魂RnB打击乐采样
    122 - RARE Percussion Tape Percs Vol.1 [WAV] 多风格民族混合打击乐器采样
    123 - RARE Percussion Tough Drumz vol.2 [WAV] 嘻哈电子鼓组采样
    124 - RARE Percussion Afro Beats Percussion Vol.2 [WAV] 非洲节奏打击乐采样
    125 - RARE Percussion Afro Beats Percussion vol.3 [WAV] 非洲节奏风格打击乐采样
    126 - RARE Percussion Afro Beats Percussion vol.4 [WAV] 非洲节奏风格打击乐采样
    127 - RARE Percussion Afro Beats Percussion vol.5 [WAV] 非洲节奏风格打击乐采样
    128 - RARE Percussion Auxiliary Percussion textures vol.1 [WAV] 辅助打击乐色彩纹理采样
    129 - RARE Percussion Auxiliary Percussion Textures vol.2 [WAV] 辅助打击乐色彩纹理采样

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