
科幻影视综合音效素材 Mattia Cellotto Metamorphosis 帧资源下载

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影视音效 电影音效 游戏音效 有声小说音效 科幻影视 未来科幻

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  • 资源编号M0858-07丨解压后6.06G丨WAV

    《变形记》科幻音效素材 Mattia Cellotto Metamorphosis。是一个由录音来源、合成材料和混合声音组成的庞大集合。该库的创建涵盖了广泛的主题,具有丰富的纹理、侵略性的冲击力和大量的传球、低音下降、烟火和更多类型的材料。

    Metamorphosis is a huge collection of recorded source, synthesized material and hybrid sounds. The library was created to cover a wide range of themes, with rich textures, aggressive impacts and a large selection of pass bys, bass drops, pyrotechnics and many more types of material.

    All of the Recorded Section was captured at 384KHz with microphones capable of recording up to 200KHz among with more conventional mics. The resulting assets are sounds that can be stretched to new extremes for greater sound design opportunities.
    In many cases I took the liberty to slow down the assets while editing the sounds to deliver what I thought was the most useful version of a given recording though in most cases I have also included other takes at the original 384KHz sample rate to get the best of both worlds.

    All of the Synthesized Content was created in Serum while the Hybrid Section was created by manipulating the Recorded and Synthesized sounds.
    Techniques such as morphing were used to blur the lines in between the nature of the two sources, making for ambiguous yet extremely versatile material that can be employed on both realistic and abstract designs.


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